An April Update

The days are getting longer, the skies are sunnier, and my tomatoes are blooming. I’m hoping for an excellent rose & tomato & olive set kind of year. I’m also hoping for a dull, uneventful, nothing-to-see-here harvest season. Let’s toast to that!

Please make note of two Bruliam events forthcoming.

#1- SAVE THE DATE for our next Zoom. On Wednesday, May 19, at 5 pm PST I will welcome legendary winegrower Steve Sangiacomo to our virtual stage. If you have any Sangiacomo Vineyard wines in your cellar, here is your opportunity to uncork them. If you don’t, we’ve now made our most recent 2018 vintage available for purchase on the website - just click here to order. Please place any orders by May 6th to ensure timely delivery.

I am so excited to interview Steve. He is such a mensch, and I know his gracious spirit will travel across Wi-Fi and your screens. I intend to interview him for 20-25 minutes and then open up the floor to your questions. This time, I promise to be brief (unlike my 100+ slide show for springtime in the vineyard!!).

#2 – Photo Poll - we plan to open up the photo poll next week. I *think* we will showcase the awesome collection of bottle shots across multiple social media platforms, so please stay tuned. Of course, you can encourage any and all of your friends to vote for your pictures.

We remain open for tastings and encourage you to visit Sonoma when the timing feels right.

Cheers and thank you for your support.



