Next Virtual Event on May 19th and our Upcoming Summer Release

As we reach the second half of May, I hope you’re taking advantage of warm weather and spring vibes. I think more than anything, our family is looking forward to the end of a trying school year. At Torrey Hill, it’s full steam towards summer.

Today’s post is a round-up of announcements and reminders.

First up, our next Zoom session is An Interview With Steve Sangiacomo, A Legacy of Sonoma Winegrowing.

Join us May 19th at 5pm PT / 8pm ET on Zoom.

Access using this link -

I’ve prepared my interview questions, but please bring your own questions as well. Steve is generous of spirit and incredibly knowledgeable.

Next, I want to thank everyone who submitted fun, beautiful, evocative, and compelling Bruliam pictures. In addition, thank you to everyone who clicked through to vote and rallied friends and family to join the campaign. In the end, love always wins! Here are the winning photos with a list of the winning charities. You can see the full polling results by clicking here. We are proud and honored to support such good work.

1st Place - “Love Pinot” - $1,000 for National Multiple Sclerosis Society, MS Walk Wisconsin, team Razzle Dazzle

2nd Place - “Label Montage” - $750 for The New York Metropolitan Opera

3rd Place - “Mexico Getaway” - $500 for DAM Cancer Foundation

4th Place - “Texas Plains” - $250 for Central Texas Food Bank

Finally, our annual Summer Release featuring limited release library wines will launch on June 1st. Please continue to check your inboxes and our social media channels for more details.
