An Update and Video Tasting (Russian River Valley)

Whew!  What a day, what a week.  And I fear our day-to-day living may get harder yet.  As a former physician, I understand the mandate for rigorous social isolation to halt the exponential explosion of community transmission.  Still, my scientific background does not make this any less unsettling, or frustrating.  With restaurant and tasting room closures, the hospitality slump feels ominous.  To that end, we have been toying with some new marketing tag lines to boost our online presence and tide us over until our restaurant partners are back on their feet.

We have discarded the following options as insensitive, in poor taste, and #justnotfunny.

  1. Drink more Bruliam!  Sanitize your insides.

  2. Every case purchased includes two additional bottles – one for each day of quarantine.

  3. Curbside pickup now available at Grand Cru.  Come for the wine.  Stay for the toilet paper.

  4. Uncork a bottle of Bruliam.  (And re-order more tomorrow).

Tactless verbiage aside, I think I’ve settled on “delivering joy through wine.”  This sentiment embraces what I most love about the wine business – our shared sense of community.  Wine makes us happy.  Wine makes us human.  Wine sparks palate memories and reminds us of special occasions, family, and loved ones.  Plus, “delivering joy” points out that I’ll be playing delivery gal for local orders.

If you are a member of our mailing list, you received an email yesterday with some special opportunities to buy wine for yourself or gift wine to others.  To place an order you can click here.  If you are not on our mailing list, that link may not work, but you can sign up here. If you need any assistance, please email me at

For me, the hardest part of social distancing is missing all of YOU.  Many of you scheduled springtime visits and tastings with me at Grand Cru, now cancelled as we hunker down at home.  I do hope you’ll consider a Sonoma trip in the months ahead, when opportunities leisure travel return.  But social distancing does not mean social isolation or always feeling lonely.  To bridge the distance from my winery to your dining room, I am creating a series of short tasting videos, focused on my wines and their AVA’s.  This video series is a home-made, shot-on-an iphone compilation.  Hopefully, we’ll get more sophisticated with each iteration.  Stepping outside and into Torrey Hill Vineyard seemed like the easiest place to begin.

I hope you enjoy - if you have trouble seeing the video in your email, you can click here.

Be well.

Stay well.

Drink well.



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