Three Adventurous Ways To Celebrate National Wine Day 2022

Bruliam Wines' Pinot Noir Swirl in Wine Glass

This year, National Wine Day is on Wednesday, May 25th, 2022. On May 25th every year, wine lovers head out to get a glass and celebrate. But personally, I think that every day offers up a reason to celebrate wine.  Why should we limit National Wine Day to one day out of 365? 

I advocate incorporating wine into your meal routines regularly, not only when a national holiday commands us to uncork a favorite.  That said, I’ll eagerly endorse any reason to open a bottle of wine. 

This year, may National Wine Day 2022:

  • Be the reason curious foodies uncork something new or unusual

  • Inspire young professionals to buy their first bottle of wine from an independent, local fine wine retailer

  • Encourage friends to gather and share food, wine, and conversation

  • Motivate you to open something extra special


How to Celebrate National Wine Day This Year

Holding red wine grapes for Bruliam Wines

Are you looking for an adventurous way to celebrate National Wine Day?  Here are some suggestions, ranging from adventure-light to serious wine exploration. 


Of course, I’ll open with shameless self-promotion.  One great way to celebrate National Wine Day is by seeking out an independent, family-owned, boutique winery and supporting local, supporting small. 

Bruliam Wines, of course, fits the bill if you’re excited to champion a small, independent, family-owned winery.  We offer in-person tastings in Sonoma, as well as virtual tastings if you’re remote.

But if you reside outside of California, I encourage you to add “local” to that list of adjectives.  As you know, wine is produced in all 50 states.  Perhaps the adventure is finding wine made in your state. 

States like New York, Michigan, Texas, and Virginia (to name a few) share a robust, delicious, and expansive winemaking tradition. 

Female-founded winery Pedernales Cellars in Texas

And I know I have failed to mention other awesome winemaking states (beyond the obvious Oregon and Washington).  Please prove me wrong.  Uncork something from your home state and send me a picture

I challenge you to purchase, promote, and celebrate winemaking in your home state.  And look for varietals beyond the typical French varietals. 

Not every climate is ideal for pinot noir (cool and foggy) or cabernet sauvignon (warm and sunny).  Your state may be ideally suited for an esoteric Greek varietal that includes the letter “X” and six vowels. 

This notion tee’s me right up for adventurous idea #2…

Another day, another beautiful walk in the vineyard at Bruliam Wines


What better way to celebrate National Wine Day than by uncorking and savoring something new to you? 

“New” is a broad umbrella.  New might be a new winery.  Or a new vintage from a favorite winery. 

New might be a new-to-you varietal or a new-to-you red or white blend. 

New might be a lesser-known wine-producing country or a small winemaking village within a well-known winemaking country. 

Mark National Wine Day with a new adventure. 

A glass of Riesling from Rhine Valley in Germany

A glass of Riesling from Rhine Valley in Germany

In fact, one of my favorite elements of wine education, wine tasting, and wine knowledge is the vastness of the subject.  While I may be an expert in my zip code, I’m hard-pressed to name the tributaries of the Rhine.  I’ve never had wine from Moldova or from Colorado, for that matter.  (But I have enjoyed stellar bubbles from New Mexico, and red blends from Mexico). 

National Wine Day 2022 is the perfect excuse to explore the broad and wonderful world of wine. 

Search online. 

Find something weird and difficult to pronounce. 

Then find a similar bottle in your own local wine shop.  Or better yet, ask your trusted wine shop professional for a recommendation of something weird, fun, esoteric, and unusual. 

There is a place for every wine.  National Wine Day is just the excuse to enjoy wine even more.


My last suggestion for a stellar National Wine Day is to explore food and wine pairings.  Either cook something new to pair with a familiar wine or bake a favorite comfort meal alongside a new-to-you wine. 

And if you’re feeling especially wild and crazy, try a new wine with a new entrée or side dish.  This is one of my favorite ways to increase my husband’s stress before we host a dinner party.  “Why must you insist on cooking something complicated, fussy, and new to you three hours before we are hosting four couples?” Brian wonders aloud, with practiced resignation. 

But hey, if it’s National Wine Day 2022, then I have all the more reason to complicate dinner tonight.  Ba ha ha ha! 

If you do cook something wonderfully complicated or scrumptiously simple, please snap a picture and send it to me (after you post online with #NationalWineDay).  I love hearing from you.

Female winemaker Kerith Overstreet celebrating National Wine Day 2022

As for me, how will I celebrate, you ask? 

I intend to uncork a vintage, library bottle of Bruliam Wines.  Since I have been making wine for 15 years, some of my first vintages have some serious age. 

The “adventure,” so to speak, is seeing if those early wines remain vibrant and delicious. I expect some color changes and tertiary aging notes.  Caramel, fruit jam, cigar box, and underbrush may cohabitate with red fruits, but these aging notes make wine the wonderful, evolving, organic delight that elevates each night to a celebration.

Ready to book right now for National Wine Day 2022?

If you want to celebrate and support local wineries in Sonoma County or celebrate local wineries from the comfort of your own home, consider booking an in-person or virtual tasting with us (specifically me, your host and female winemaker, Kerith 🍷 )
