Best Wines for Memorial Day 2022 from a California Winemaker

Memorial Day is fast approaching, meaning it’s prime season to fluff the outdoor pillows, check the gas level in the BBQ, and sweep the accumulated crud from your third-floor balcony onto the neighbor’s ground floor patio. 

If you’re like me, you’re excited and ready to start hosting friends for outdoor gatherings and BBQ’s. Often, outdoor summer gatherings lack the formality of a traditional sit-down meal, encouraging people to nosh, mingle, sip, and gather around platters of fresh, summer bounty. 

Here in Sonoma County, our weather already has tempted us to fire up the grill only to punish us with (very) cold mornings. But since a warm spell is in store, today’s spring weather is the perfect motivation to chat all things related to BBQ and Memorial Day wines. 

memorial day bbq

Some of us (many of us?) are out of practice socializing and hosting. So, whether this Memorial Day marks a triumphant return to a host or hostess role or simply an extension of your continued table fellowship, let’s banish any fussing about wine. 

Do NOT let Memorial Day wine decisions be a stressor. Host your buddies and plan your BBQ to eliminate wine angst.  So, if you’re planning to entertain in the weeks and summer months ahead, please read on to make wine buying decisions a snap.  Here are three great and versatile wine options to make your Memorial Day BBQ sing.

TIP #1: Lean into Rosé

I know that I am preaching to the “brose” choir here, but rose screams summertime. 

Pink, crisp, and served cold, a bottle (or three) of rose should be your go-to Memorial Day wine pick. Why? 

Rose is pretty, delicious, and vinified in myriad styles, from richly hued Tavel-inspired creations to salmon-hued, Provence-style sippers.  And they all pair well with food, pretty much every food, BBQ included. In general, rose wines are high in acid and lower in alcohol than a full-bodied red wine. 

This makes sipping rose all day by the BBQ an achievable goal. Plus, rose is among the most versatile of all food pairing tipples.  Read on to understand why.

Kerith Overstreet filling a wine barrel at Bruliam Wines

When you invite friends for a Memorial Day gathering or a casual BBQ, what’s the first question a [good] friend queries? Well, it should be, “what can I bring?” From whatever you ask a guest to contribute to whatever your friend caters in unbidden; the eats will surely work well with rose. 

Rose accompanies charcuterie with ease, sings alongside dips and spreads, bridges the transition from snacking to dining, and can even escort dessert. It’s true! A ritzy country club wine dinner once featured my rose of pinot noir with a meringue/rose granita confection. It was stellar! 

Because rose is a wine of limited skin contact, rose is lower in tannins and structure and gravitas than full-bodied reds. This ethereal, easy-going, mouthwatering quality makes rose the perfect wine partner for a Memorial Day party or summertime BBQ. Rose is an ideal Memorial Day or BBQ wine.

Tip #2: Traditional Is OK

Wine professionals tout the zin/BBQ wine pairing like gospel. And there is good reason why industry professionals crown zinfandel a prime Memorial Day and BBQ wine.  

Classically, zinfandel is a fuller-bodied, fruit-forward, lower tannin content wine. And fuller bodied wines are terrific alongside meat, especially grilled meat. Save the rose for pre supper snacks, and uncork something hearty and easy-drinking to pair alongside BBQ ribs, tri-tip cuts, or burgers. 

So, embrace this traditional food wine pairing for an easy and successful Memorial Day wine decision. But other reasons make zinfandel a natural wine partner to BBQ. Some zins showcase a peppery note which marries well with the smoky richness of BBQ meats. 

And most zins display luscious, ripe fruit flavors that perfectly balance a sweet and tangy BBQ sauce. So please pick zinfandel for your second Memorial Day wine selection.

BBQ for Memorial Day

**disclaimer & defense **

Some wine snobs will tell you that they don’t like zinfandel. In response, you have two choices: uninvite them from your gathering or plan your wine defense in advance. Here are common (misguided & incorrect) myths about zinfandel:

  • “It’s too hot,” a bougie way to complain the alcohol is too high.  The modern zinfandel revolution is embracing lower alcohol style, so check the bottle. For example, mine clocks in under 15% ABV.  That said, do you want a wimpy-ass wine with your grilled filet? I think not!  You want a juicy, full-bodied stunner. Go zin. Pick zin.

  • “It’s too peppery” or “it’s too jam-y.” Again, the peppery and ripe fruit characteristics allow zin to shine alongside smoked meats and all kinds of BBQ delights.  It’s also the perfect yin-yang for fruity, tangy BBQ sauce.  So don’t underestimate zinfandel as your BBQ or Memorial Day wine go-to selection.

  • “It’s flabby,” again bougie talk for low acid. Now here I’ll be downright self-promotional.  My Rockpile zinfandel is NOT low acid. In fact, I picked the 2019 vintage at a zesty 6.4 g/L titratable acidity. Oh, snap. Full stop.

BBQ sides for Memorial Day 2022

TIP #3: GET Creative, Especially With Sides

If you want a Memorial Day wine or BBQ wine that ties together most foods with a bow, pick pinot noir. Much like the way pinot noir can meld the crazy array of disparate foods on your Thanksgiving table, pinot noir reprises the same role around the BBQ pit. 

Topping that grilled-rare bacon cheeseburger with sauteed mushrooms? Well, uncork the pinot noir, please. Pinot noir can display earthy and savory notes that are terrific with umami flavors like mushroom and grilled root veggies. And about that bacon…pinot noir is perfection with pork.

If your Memorial Day feast or BBQ party includes grilled pork chops or pulled pork sliders, grab a bottle of pinot noir. Pinot noir can be an inspired and unexpected BBQ and Memorial Day wine choice. 

Plus, having a lower-bodied pinot on hand helps your vegetarian friends with a food-friendly but appropriate wine pairing alternative. An aromatic pinot noir aged in French oak barrels would be gorgeous with smoky grilled eggplant or flavorful grilled portabella mushroom sandwich. 

Use pinot noir as the glue that keeps your Memorial Day feast a cohesive meal.

View from Bruliam Wines

Even if you don’t have a view like mine (above), it’s never too early to stock your cellar with Memorial Day wines and BBQ favorites. 

Keep rose, zinfandel, and pinot noir on hand, so you can host your friends and family in style. Nobody likes to be caught empty-handed when your BFF rings the doorbell holding a twine-tied package of chops from the butcher!

Looking to plan something more special for Memorial Day 2022?

If you want to celebrate and support local wineries in Sonoma County or celebrate local wineries from the comfort of your own home, consider booking an in-person or virtual tasting with us (specifically me, your host and female winemaker, Kerith 🍷 )
